JupyterHub - Getting Started

Through JupyterHub we provide interactive access to compute resources using JupyterLab.  "JupyterLab is the latest web-based interactive development environment for notebooks, code, and data." There are a number of preconfigured notebooks for using software packages such as TensorFlow, PyROOT, and Spark. Team-specific notebooks are also available, creating a common environment for groups of users.

Getting Access

Account Requirements

  1. JLab CUE account
  2. Be a member of the ifarmusers unix netgroup
  3. Have an account in Slurm (our computing batch system)

To verify you meet these requirements, you can login into an ifarm machine and run:

% sacctmgr list users <username>

Access to ifarm validates requirements 1 and 2.  Being listed by sacctmgr will validate requirement 3.

Setting up your one-time password (OTP)

Go to https://jupyterhub.jlab.org and login with your JLab CUE username/password.  The first time you do this, you will be presented with a QR code for establishing a OTP token.  You can use Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, etc.

Not getting a QR code or need it reset? See this article.

Spawn a Job

Once logged in, you will be able to select a preconfigured notebook along with some compute specifications (ex. do you need a GPU?). If you experience issues, check out Common Issues.
