Slurm commands for Computing Coordinators

Computing coordinators are empowered to authorize and deauthorize users to run against the Slurm accounts for which they are coordinator.  They can also impose or remove per-user constraints on jobs run under those Slurm accounts.  These commands must be run from a member of the relevant Slurm cluster, e.g. an ifarm or qcdi host.  See Slurm's documentation for details, either via the Web or via the sacctmgr(1), scancel(1), and scontrol(1) man-pages (which have the benefit of being intended to be in sync with the version of Slurm we are running at any given time).


Add a user to an account
sacctmgr -i create user alice account=hallx
Remove a user from an account
sacctmgr -i delete user alice account=hallx
Show default account for a user
sacctmgr show user clas12
Show all accounts for a user
sacctmgr list assoc where user=clas12 format=Account
Show account coordinators
sacctmgr show account withcoordinator
Show account members
sacctmgr list assoc account=hallx